What I'd like to present here are what years of meticulous social troubleshooting have allowed me to conclude.
When I first started this blog, I was hesitant to post this list because I wasn't sure how it would be received. Two things have changed since then: first, I've moved into a larger investigation where these predictions are only a subset of a larger project; and second, I'm not sure that there are many who bother to read this blog. So I'm not very worried anymore. Also, I dumped my pseudonym.
- Civilization has undermined a primitive motivation for the woman to aggressively pursue her man in order to avoid rape. This balance will need to be re-established. Since legalizing rape is socially abhorrent, the alternative will be for us to evolve a culture where the woman is assumed to be the pursuer;
- Family solidarity is seriously stressed because children are viewed as the luxury of the parents, and not as a prerequisite to the existence of civilization (and the economy in today’s terms);
- America, to the south of us, was lumbered by poorly conceived articles of incorporation such that their government is largely paralyzed, and the democratic process has been off-loaded onto their judiciary. The greater problem eclipsing this one, is that those same national documents (American Constitution and Declaration of Independence) have set the individual as the priority over the public good, resulting in a systematic imbalance between individual and social priorities.
Romanticised historic reverence has dogmatically made this imbalance national folklore, though decades of progressive bristling has seen some small progress to re-balance. The most telling indicator of this problem is their high crime statistics, particularly for a western democracy;
- Public education is not underscored by the primary requirement for an entrepreneurial apprenticeship, which would enable all graduates to know how they’ll eventually fit into the economy, in addition to any passions or interests they may have;
- The modern western lifestyle has lowered the daily physical energy usage far below what our bodies need to maintain good health;
- Democratic principles need to trickle down into our smaller associations, most notably our businesses. The labour/management rift is a legacy of last-century rapacious capitalism, which progressive societies have identified as tepidly serving the public good, while engaging huge public assets and infrastructure.
While it is universally understood that the entrepreneur who has birthed a successful commercial enterprise is entitled to the fruits of their work, there needs to be evolved relationships within these smaller institutions that doesn’t demand dissonance within the business;
- In a manner similar to the social demand made of everyone to serve on a jury at some point in their lives, this requirement will need to be extended to policing as well. We will need to establish what vocations have a socially interactive element to them (like bus driving, company managers, retailers, teachers, etc) and suggest modest police training as a requirement in addition to the primary job.
Also, those people who gravitate towards lawlessness would similarly need to intern as an auxiliary peace officers in order to understand why lawlessness is unlawful. This would be an important part of their community service. This kind of engagement of the public in policing would undermine fears of rising totalitarian state-driven police forces, and would go a long way to reconcile gun ownership, particular in America, Colombia, and other western democracy-aspiring nations with high crime rates due to universal access to firearms.
This is the short list.
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